
The World’s Last Commercial Ocean-Going Sailing Ship – The Pamir

The Pamir was indeed a remarkable sailing ship, and it holds a special place in maritime history. It was the last commercial sailing ship to round Cape Horn, a treacherous and historically significant nautical passage located at the southern tip of South America. The Pamir’s journey around Cape Horn in 1949 is an iconic moment in the final chapter of the age of sail.

The Pamir was a four-masted barque, a type of sailing vessel with four masts rigged in a square configuration. It was built in 1905 in Hamburg, Germany, and was primarily used for the transportation of goods, especially grain and nitrate, between Europe and South America. The ship was renowned for its beauty and the sheer grandeur of its size and sail plan.

By the time the Pamir rounded Cape Horn in 1949, steam and motor vessels had largely replaced sailing ships in commercial shipping due to their greater efficiency and reliability. The Pamir’s successful rounding of the Cape was seen as a farewell to an era when sail was the primary means of moving cargo across the seas. The journey was fraught with challenges, including fierce winds, treacherous seas, and bitter cold, making it a test of seamanship and endurance.

The Pamir’s voyage around Cape Horn marked the end of an era and celebrated the legacy of the age of sail. The ship’s journey was captured in photographs and reports, which have become part of maritime history. However, the Pamir’s final voyage was not without a sense of sadness, as it symbolized the end of an era in commercial shipping.

Tragically, the Pamir met a disastrous fate in 1957 when it sank during a hurricane in the Atlantic Ocean. This marked the end of the ship’s long and storied career, but its legacy lives on in the memories of those who admire and appreciate the grandeur and beauty of traditional sailing vessels.

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